Monday, October 12, 2009

Herbalife rocks

This week I felt very happy when I meet one of my customer who has been consuming Herbalife for 2 years. I meet her to pass her some products as she would like to continue back Herbalife.
Her excitement about Herbalife makes me smile.

She lost a total of 40kg!
That is a record I told her and after she stop Herbalife for 6 mths since she has to relocate for her education, she didn't gain any weight at all.

Right now she weigh 50kg and still maintain at that number. She told me she would like to lose a few kilos before Deepavali since she is celebrating it and she would like to look good.

It makes things easier for me as she BELIEVES in HERBALIFE and being one of the result proven from Herbalife I know she will manage to shed some weight as she target.

From the meeting, I couldn't help but feeling motivated and happy that I have customer who loves Herbalife so much, having so much believe in it and most of all, the most important thing is HERBALIFE CHANGES HER LIFE.

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