Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today there are many people who have weight problem and it is sad for me to see them struggling to lose every single inch in their body. People are more concern these days and fat storage has been viewed as signs of health and wealth.

Study has been conducted among Malaysia women age 20-59 years old and it shows that obesity prevalence at 16.7% while women age 50-59 years old had higher obesity prevalence at 58.2%. Married women 18.6% obese compare to single women 6.9%.

It is true with the standard of living today continues to rise, obesity has become the most common and serious nutritional problem. People do realize this problem and many people are taking prevention and action to solve the fat issue, however there are some who still feels that it is not a necessary to stay healthy.

I do strongly recommend excess weight gain of the Malaysian population to be taken into serious consideration. It is our health that we should be very concern in as it leads to healthy and happy life style.

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