Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Effective & Tremendous Slim Down- PROVEN RESULTS!


Contact Details

JERILYN SEE Herbalife Malaysia 60-12-588-0960 buy products jay.herbalife@gmail.com. Who We Are! #1 Premier Nutrition and Weight Management Company with an unparalleled Business Opportunity! * Global- Improving lives in 70 countries on six continents throughout a network of over 1.9 million Herbalife Independent Distributors and growing. * Innovative~ Developing the best weight management, targeted nutrition, energy & fitness and personal care/ outer nutrition products, backed by world renowned doctors and scientists. ARE YOU READY TO LOSE WEIGHT NOW? ASK ME HOW? Pls visit my Herbalife website: http://herbalifepg.blogspot.com and http://www.herbalifesecrets.com/healthyph.php. We have care consultant! Herbalife ~ Outer nutrition - Nourifusion & Skin Activator! JERILYN SEE, HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR tel. no 012-588 0960.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Was it really good???

Everybody is interested in discount. If you join Herbalife, you will get 25% discount as membership price. Isn't it good? Of course it is good.

Other than Herbalife taste and being a multinational company, listed in NYSE, Herbalife is able to make a person to gain weight, lose weight or even maintain weight, the current figure.

Herbalife package consists of F1, F3 and tea. It is an American product and it also gives you a money back guaranteed if you are not successful to lose weight in 30 days! Where can we find such a good deal?

Try Herbalife and if anyone who needs a try on the shake, I will be happy to asissts. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rose Flavoured Soya Bean

Today I have my Herbalife shake F1 strawberry flavour in the morning. Blended it with ice and Rose Flavoured Soya Bean by F&N Season.

I mix the Rose Soya Bean with strawberry shakes coz I thought it will taste nice. But unfortunately, the taste came out awfully and it sorts of not so nice to drink. I guess I still prefer the normal soya bean instead.

So those friends who read my blog, not recommended to buy this Rose Soya Bean if you want to shake it with Herbalife, better try other options. If you have any new recipe to recommend me, mail me or call me!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Maintain Weight

Quick Explanation:
1 Shake + 2 Normal Meals = You Maintain Your Weight

This is How To Use Herbalife in order to Be healthy and Maintain Weight:
(1 Shake + 2 Normal Meals)

Herbal Concentrate Tea (3 cups a day, this Herbal Beverage is a powerful antioxidant)
How to make my Herbalife Tea: 1 teaspoon with one cup of 240ml or more, water (warm or cold).
You may also use a bottle, mix 500ml/1000ml water with as much Herbalife tea needed for the water to get the color of apple juice. (2-3 Teaspoon is ok)
· First thing when wake up, before you have clear vision, drink a cup of this wonderful day starter.
· And After lunch & In the mid-afternoon (before 5pm) - OPTIONAL

Formula 1 Shake & Formula 3 Protein Powder (optional)
1) Add 200ml of soy milk or juice + 200ml water (find your preferred shake recipe) in a shaker cup or preferably use a Blender.
2) Add 3 flat tablespoon Formula 1 (your preferred flavor)
3) Add 1 flat or heap (mountain) tablespoon Formula 3. Feel free to add in some fruits(not too much) & ice if you use a blender, or just ice if you use a shaker cup. (Put liquid inside shaker cup before the F1/F3 powder )

· Breakfast = 1 Herbalife Shake
· Lunch = Eat a Normal Meal (Use common sense, don’t go to a buffet and eat 2 plates J, stay away from too much rice (carbs) and sweets, you don’t need it)
· Dinner = Eat a Normal Meal or take 1 Herbalife Shake* incase your Normal meal is fast food or too late (after 8pm)

* Don’t eat just anything that is served to you, think first, if you cant find a well cooked meal, make your self a shake instead, you can bring it to work, drink after the gym or take it instead of meals that you KNOW is bad for you. Always keep in Mind: 80% of all Doctor visits are DIET RELATED….

2–3 liters of water every day or 1 cup of water every hour 1 cup=200ml 16hrs x 16 cups = 3200ml.
Water is super important for overall health & weight control, please do your best to drink a lot.
· Morning = 1 liter (1000ml) first 1-3 hours,(Herbal Concentrate counts as water)
· Afternoon = 1 liter
· Evening / Night = 0.5 liter to 1 liter

Healthy Snacks
DO NOT LOSE YOUR DICIPLINE and eat unhealthy foods, not even if it is free or a gift or your Mother made it… all unhealthy food makes you fat, no matter where it comes from. Absolutely do not eat sweets, drink soft drinks (1 soft drink = 16 tea spoons sugar), not even ice tea, 3 in 1 coffee, everything comes with sugar, even Diet Coke makes you fat. Drink Water and Herbalife tea, it will save you Money and Health Problems.

· Morning before lunch = Herbalife protein bar or a fruit. (1 fruit = 100 calories) OR ½ Shake
· Afternoon before dinner = 1 fruit OR Herbalife protein bar OR Herbalife soy nuts OR ½ Shake
· If you are really hungry, then make your self another Herbalife Shake or ½ Shake instead of fast food or snacks (ie; biscuits, curry puffs
Springrolls, cakes, etc = it’s a no no!)

Weight Gaining simple and fast

Quick Explanation:
3 Meals + 3 Shakes = You Gain Muscle mass (Weight)

This is How To Use Herbalife in order to Be healthy and Gain Weight:
(3 Normal Meals + 3 Shakes)

Formula 1 Shake & Formula 3 Protein Powder (optional)
1) Add 200ml of soy milk or juice + 200ml water (find your preferred shake recipe) in a shaker cup or preferably use a Blender.
2) Add 3 flat tablespoon Formula 1 (your preferred flavor)
3) Add 2 flat or heap (mountain) tablespoon Formula 3. Feel free to ads in some fruits & ice if you use a blender, or just ice if you use a shaker cup. (Put liquid inside shaker cup before the F1/F3 powder)

· Breakfast = 1 Normal Meal + 1 Herbalife Shake right after your breakfast*
· Lunch = 1 Normal Meal + 1 Herbalife Shake right after your lunch
· Dinner = 1 Normal Meal + 1 Herbalife Shake right after your dinner

* Enjoy your Herbalife Shake AFTER your meal, if you take it before, then you will be too satisfied in order to complete a Normal size meal.

2–3 liters of water every day or 1 cup of water every hour 1 cup=200ml 16hrs x 16 cups = 3200ml.
Water is super important for overall health & weight control, please do you best to drink a lot.
· Morning = 1 liter (1000ml) first 1-3 hours
· Afternoon = 1 liter
· Evening / Night = 0.5 liter to 1 liter

Weight Gain Advices:
Eat a lot of food, Drink a lot of Herbalife Shakes, Snack on Healthy Foods, Exercise creates hunger. Eat even if you are not so hungry, plan your meals, wake up earlier so that you can have a good breakfast.
Be consistent, It might take a long time, usually a few months, for the weight to actually show. Some people get frustrated and quit when they fail to see drastic results. Your body will only responds to a consistent schedule. No weight gain program will work for you if you are not regular. Effective weight training and a smart diet can help you exceed your genetically predetermined weight. Do not drink caffeine based drinks, tea, coffee, soft drinks since they draw water from your system.
Herbal Concentrate Tea (1-2 cups a day, this Herbal Beverage is a powerful antioxidant)
How to make my Herbalife Tea: 1 teaspoon with one cup of 240ml water (warm or cold).

· First thing when wake up, before you have clear vision, drink a cup of this wonderful day starter.
· In the afternoon or mid-afternoon (before 5pm) - OPTIONAL

Fast Shakes to Slim Down


Follow this Information and you WILL Become Healthier and feel better than ever.

Quick Explanation:
2 Shakes + 1 Normal Meal = You Lose Weight.

This is How To Use Herbalife in order to Lose Weight:
(2 Shakes + 1 Normal Meal)

Herbal Concentrate Tea (3-5 cups a day. The more you drink, the more you shrink)
How to make my Herbalife Tea: 1 teaspoon with one cup of 240ml or more, water (warm or cold).
You may also use a bottle, mix 500ml/1000ml water with as much Herbalife tea needed for the water to get the color of apple juice.(2-3 Teaspoon is ok)
· First thing when wake up, before you have clear vision, drink a cup of this wonderful day starter.
· After lunch and In the mid-afternoon (before 5pm) - OPTIONAL

Formula 1 Shake & Formula 3 Protein Powder (optional)

1) Add 200ml of soy milk or juice + 200ml water (find your preferred shake recipe) in a shaker cup or preferably use a Blender.
2) Add 3 flat tablespoon Formula 1 (your preferred flavor)
3) Add 1 flat or heap (mountain) tablespoon Formula 3. Feel free to ad in some fruits (not too much) & ice if you use a blender, or just ice if you use a shaker cup. (Put liquid inside shaker cup before the drink mix)

· Breakfast = 1 Herbalife Shake
· Lunch = Eat a Normal Meal (Use common sense, don’t go to a buffet and eat 2 plates, stay away from too much rice and sweets, you don’t need it)
· Dinner = 1 Herbalife Shake*
* If you like, you can have your Normal meal for dinner, then you take 1 Herbalife shake for lunch.

2–3 liters of water every day or 1 cup of water every hour 1 cup=200ml 16hrs x 16 cups = 3200ml.
Water is super important for weight loss & overall health, please do you best to drink a lot.
· Morning = 1 liter (1000ml) first 1-3 hour, (Herbal Concentrate counts as water)
· Afternoon = 1 liter
· Evening / Night = 0.5 liter to 1 liter

Healthy Snacks
DO NOT LOSE YOUR DICIPLINE and eat unhealthy foods, not even if it is free or a gift or your Mother made it… all unhealthy food makes you fat, no matter where it comes from. Absolutely do not eat sweets, drink soft drinks (1 soft drink = 16 tea spoons sugar), not even ice tea, 3 in 1 coffee, everything comes with sugar, even Diet Coke makes you fat.
Drink Water and Herbalife tea, it will save you Money and Health Problems.

· Morning before lunch = Herbalife protein bar or a fruit. (1 fruit = 100 calories)
· Afternoon before dinner = 1 fruit OR Herbalife protein bar OR Herbalife soy nuts
· If you are really hungry, then make your self another Herbalife Shake,
or ½ Shake instead of fast food or snacks (ie; biscuits, curry puffs
Springrolls,cakes, etc = it’s a no no!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today there are many people who have weight problem and it is sad for me to see them struggling to lose every single inch in their body. People are more concern these days and fat storage has been viewed as signs of health and wealth.

Study has been conducted among Malaysia women age 20-59 years old and it shows that obesity prevalence at 16.7% while women age 50-59 years old had higher obesity prevalence at 58.2%. Married women 18.6% obese compare to single women 6.9%.

It is true with the standard of living today continues to rise, obesity has become the most common and serious nutritional problem. People do realize this problem and many people are taking prevention and action to solve the fat issue, however there are some who still feels that it is not a necessary to stay healthy.

I do strongly recommend excess weight gain of the Malaysian population to be taken into serious consideration. It is our health that we should be very concern in as it leads to healthy and happy life style.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Herbalife rocks

This week I felt very happy when I meet one of my customer who has been consuming Herbalife for 2 years. I meet her to pass her some products as she would like to continue back Herbalife.
Her excitement about Herbalife makes me smile.

She lost a total of 40kg!
That is a record I told her and after she stop Herbalife for 6 mths since she has to relocate for her education, she didn't gain any weight at all.

Right now she weigh 50kg and still maintain at that number. She told me she would like to lose a few kilos before Deepavali since she is celebrating it and she would like to look good.

It makes things easier for me as she BELIEVES in HERBALIFE and being one of the result proven from Herbalife I know she will manage to shed some weight as she target.

From the meeting, I couldn't help but feeling motivated and happy that I have customer who loves Herbalife so much, having so much believe in it and most of all, the most important thing is HERBALIFE CHANGES HER LIFE.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Herbalife History

Mark Hughes- originator of Herbalife created Herbalife products because his mother died of an accidental overdose of prescription diet pills when he was 18 years old.

As from his personal experience from weight lost tradegy in his family, he has decided to dedicate his life to helping people lose weight and improve their health safely and effectively.

In February 1980, Mark Hughes has launched Herbalife International and the first year sales skyrocketed to $2 MILLION! As of today, Herbalife is now a multi-national nutrition company with sales over $1.7 BILLION a year.

Herbalife is bringing the world together through good nutrition and provide people with the opportunity some people do not have.

Herbalife started in Beverly Hills, California but today we have all have world headquarters. With an aggressive expansion attitude, Herbalife currently operates in 70 countries, and we welcome new countries every year!

In addition to our international expansion efforts, Herbalife is a company for the future. With major involvement in D.A.R.E. and the creation of the Herbalife Family Foundation Herbalife is dedicated to improving the lives of all people!

Herbalife emphasizes herbs and other natural ingredients in our weight loss, nutritional and personal care product lines. Our exclusive formulations appeal to the growing consumer interest in herbal and natural products.

As a start, why not try it for yourself today?

Raya ends and time to lose weight

Raya season has ended and many of us have gain additional weight due to the Kuih Raya and good food during the festival season.

I have eaten lots of kuih and feel guilty over it, but I know Herbalife is always there for me to gain back my previous weight. It is festival season and time to cut lose a bit. Now that all has ended, I have begin back my Herbalife regime.

Many customers are with me throughout this Herbalife dieting program. Together we are losing weight and motivating each other to keep up the discipline throughout this dieting program.

Anyone who is interested to lose weight, feel free to call me and I will guide you HOW.

012- 588 0960

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Importance of Shape

What is your shape?
You may think you know when you look in the mirror, or you may be too busy trying to cover up unshapely areas to really see yourself as you are. Do you know how much fat you’re carrying, compared to how much muscle? Do you know where you tend to gain weight–upper body, lower body or around the middle? Until you know the answers to these questions, you are not ready to make your personal plan for losing weight and keeping it off. Understanding your body is the first step to reaching your best personal shape. As someone who teaches both doctors and the public about obesity, I believe weight loss has been overemphasized and body shape underemphasized. You have probably read about the Body-Mass Index (BMI), which is a weight-to-height ratio. If your BMI is greater than 25, you are considered overweight in the U.S., and if it is greater than 30 you are obese. This ratio has been a powerful way for scientists to document the obesity epidemic in this country and its effects on health and disease. However, when it comes to you as an individual, it can be misleading. A football player can be considered overweight on the BMI scale, but if the extra weight being carried is muscle, he is not really fat. A thin woman can have a normal BMI, yet still be over-fat. So shape counts.

Shapes are personal and go beyond the usual apple and pear. Women can have three typical body shapes–upper body fat, lower body fat and both upper and lower body fat. Men usually only get upper body fat. The upper body stores fat in times of stress and some people can lose and gain weight rapidly in the upper body. The lower body fat in women responds to female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone and stores fat for breastfeeding a newborn baby. Women who have both upper and lower body fat will lose their upper body fat first. Women with more upper body fat tend to have more muscle than women with lower body fat and will need more protein in their diet to help control their hunger. Losing weight is harder if you have lower body fat rather than upper body fat, but the medical benefits of losing your upper body fat are greater. Losing weight around your neck, face, chest and waist usually goes along with losing fat on the inside as well. So as you look better, you are also improving your health tremendously.

Finally, there are two more body shapes to consider: The shape you can change and the shape you can’t change. It is important to know the difference and work on the shape you can change, while adjusting your wardrobe and attitudes to the shape you cannot change. Due to low metabolism, many women with lower body fat can’t lose weight just by cutting calories. These lower body-fat cells are resistant to both exercise and diet. Only a personalized program can help make sure you get enough protein to control cravings and build or maintain lean muscle.

By David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N.
Chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition and Scientific Advisory Boards

Pregnancy with Herbalife

Recently I have been asked by customers can we take Herbalife during pregnancy months.

The answer is yes you can consume Herbalife during your pregnancy days because Herbalife is a nutritional products. It is not a medication but it contains nutrition good enough for you and your baby.

In fact it is good as not only you will be having good nutrition but your baby as well!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

To all the Muslims celebrating Raya festival, Selamat Hari Raya.

For others, have a great holidays.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Shakes Recipes

Herbalife Shakes Recipes

1) Iced blended shake-O-Cino
3 Scoops of Vanilla F1
200ML (1 cup) of hot water

1 teaspoon of instant coffee
1 teaspoon of honey
2 glasses of crushed ice

1) Stir coffee and honey in the hot water. Let it cool for a few minutes.
2. In blender jug, pour the coffee, ice and the F1
2) Blend and add more ice if you like!
3) You can also sprinkle with some dutch chocolate Formula 1

2) Banana Mocha Shake
2 scoops of Formula 1 Dutch Chocolate
1 scoop of Formula 3
1 banana
200ml Cappuccino Soy
100ml plain water
some ice cubes

3)Banana Nut Chocolate Shake
2 scoops of Formula 1 French Vanilla
1 scoop of Formula 3
1 banana
1/4 teaspoon on crunchy peanut butter
200ml Chocolate Soy
100ml plain water
some ice cubes

4) Strawberry Chocolate Shake
2 scoops of Formula 1 Dutch Chocolate
1 scoop of Formula 3
1 cup of frozen strawberries
200ml Soy
100ml plain water
some ice cubes

5) Malt Chocolate Shake
2 scoops of Formula 1 Dutch Chocolate
1 scoop of Formula 3
1 scoop oats
200ml Malt Soy
100ml plain water
some ice cubes

6) Banana Hazelnut/Almond Shake
2 scoops of Formula 1 French Vanilla
1 scoop of Formula 3
1 scoop of ground hazelnut or almond
1 banana
200ml Soy
100ml plain water
some ice cubes

7) Fruity Smoothie
2 scoops of Formula 1 French Vanilla
1 scoop of Formula 3
200ml of Dutch Lady yogurt drink (any flavor that you like)
100ml plain water
some ice cubes

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Price Increase



However despite the price increase, Herbalife still works great and it's proven results has keep many people coming back for more!


Herbalife Shakes Recipes

Herbalife Shakes Recipes

How to make Herbalife shake? It's simple and easy. Just follow the easy instruction provide here.

Breakfast = Shake
Lunch = Normal Lunch (With your colleagues/workmates)
Dinner = Shake

Recommended Herbalife Shake p/meal
1) Add in water 300-450ml
2) Add 2 scoops F1 into the shaker (Big scoop)
3) Add 1 scoops F3 into the shaker (Big scoop)
4) Shake until dissolve
5) Drink the shake immediately

Recommended Herbalife Shake Tea Mix & time to drink?
* Tea Mix can be drink any time a day and as much as you would like to.
* However it is a must to drink at least 3x p/day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner)
* Avoid taking tea late at night if some people find it hard to sleep at night
* Tea Mix can be made cold or hot and how much tea or water to put is depending on individual preference.

Teamix- 1 small scoop + 500ml plain water
Teamix- 3 small scoops + 1000ml of water (into a water bottle)
Teamix- 4 small scoops + 2000ml of water (into a water bottle)

Tea Mix- Herbal Concentrate

Tea Mix- Herbal Concentrate

Herbalife tea mix will help us to bring out waste water, waste gas out from our body.
A must for your weight-management program. This delicious, low-calorie instant tea mix helps you stay energised and refreshed while you manage your weight.

Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder

Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder

Adding Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder into our Herbalife shake will ensure that we have the sufficient protein. Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder has no fat,sugar,carbohydrates,yeast,cholesterol,salt,lactose,sweeteners or artificial colors.

According to the United States and Drug Administration, Soy offers a "complete" protein profile.It contain all the amino acids essential to human nutrition. Soy protein can be replaced animal-based protein but tend to contain more fat, especially saturated fat.However Herbalife Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder is specially design to ensure there is no fat in the protein powder.

Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix (F1)

Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix (F1)

The Formula 1Nutritional Shake comes with 5 types of flavours. Some countries have only 3 flavours but here we have 5 flavours consists of:

Chocolate, Cappuccino,Vanilla, Strawberry and Tropical Fruit.
Some people like to blend F1 with fresh fruit,fruit juice,yogurt drink, low fat milk or soya bean for various of choices.

What is Herbalife Shakes?

Friends, Herbalife Shake Starter pack consist of:

1) Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix

2) Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder

3) Tea Mix- Herbal Concentrate 50g

Herbalife’s delicious shakes are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are perfect for busy people who want to lose weight. Whether you’re on the go or just want a nutritious meal, reach for an Herbalife Formula 1, Formula 3 and Tea Mix shake to satisfy your hunger and help manage your weight.
EVERYONE CAN TAKE HERBALIFE no matter your are adults, young children or even during maternity for those mothers to be.

Herbalife also suitable for vegetarian and meet HALAL food regulation. Certificate no.11986001LU from Islamic Food Council of Europe

Special Message to Customers

Herbalife is a premier nutrition and weight-management company.
Herbalife offer life-changing products and an unparalleled business

What started with founder Mark Hughes' dream over
28 years ago has become a world-class company with over 1.9
million Distributors.

Ramadan Menu

Here are more fasting menu from HerbalifePg.com

"Selamat Berbuka Puasa"
Contact me at 012- 588 0960

Herbalife Fasting Menu

Herbalife Fasting Menu

* Herbalife Shake
* 500ml Tea Mix
* 500ml Water

* Normal Meal
* 500ml Tea Mix
* 500ml Water

(Taken approx 3 hours after berbuka)
* Herbalife Shake
* 500ml Tea Mix
* 500ml Water

Herbalife Set

START NOW PACK (Tea Mix 50g)
1. ShapeWorks™ Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink
2. ShapeWorks™ Formula 3 Blended Soy and Whey Protein Powder
3. ShapeWorks™ Tea Mix - Lemon & Hibiscus (Original Taste) - 50g
* All SNP comes with HL measuring spoon.
* FREE shaker

START NOW PACK (Tea Mix 100g)
1. ShapeWorks™ Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink
2. ShapeWorks™ Formula 3 Blended Soy and Whey Protein Powder
3. ShapeWorks™ Tea Mix - Lemon & Hibiscus (Original Taste) - 100g
* All SNP comes with HL measuring spoon.
* FREE shaker

START NOW PACK (Tea Mix 50g/100g)
1. ShapeWorks™ Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink x 2
2. ShapeWorks™ Formula 3 Blended Soy and Whey Protein Powder x 2
3. ShapeWorks™ Tea Mix - Lemon & Hibiscus (Original Taste) - 50g/100g

012-588 0960

Herbalife History

Herbalife’s 29 year history has helped millions of satisfied customers achieve their ideal weight and maintain it with scientifically advanced weight-management programs. Herbalife International is a total wellness company offering high quality weight loss, weight gain, weight management, nutritional and personal-care products. Herbalife products are sold by a team of more than one-million independent herbalife distributors in more than 65 countries worldwide. History has proven that Herbalife’s products are safe, effective and life-changing.

The history of herbalife is outlined below:

* Herbalife’s history began in 1980 when Mark Hughes sold the Herbalife weight loss products from the trunk of his car
* Two years later Herbalife reached $2,000,000 in sales and opened a distributorship in Canada. Canada was the first country after the USA
* In 1986 Herbalife became a publicly traded company via NASDAQ
* Herbalife’s successful history continued and in 1996 Herbalife reached $1,000,000,000 in annual sales
* In 2000, Mark Hughes died at the age of 44 from an accidental mix of alcohol and prescription sleeping pills. Herbalife continued to grow on its successful history after the death of Mark Hughes
* In 2003, Michael O. Johnson joined Herbalife as CEO. He had worked 17-years for Walt Disney after ending his career as president of the Walt Disney Company.
* On December 16, 2004 the company had an initial public offering on the NYSE
* In April 2005, the company celebrated its 25th anniversary

The company operates in 65 countries and has 2,500 employees and claims to have more than one million independent distributors.

David Beckham and Herbalife